Friday, 9 January 2015


This is just a quick post because I'm dashing out the door!
Sorry that I've been so quiet - I know if anyone managed to find this blog and then find it interesting it would have been really rubbish to notice that it had practically stopped!

This was down to 3 things:
Work: There's a LOT going on at the moment!
Family: Again - stressful times there.
Training: I couldn't find a swimming pool anywhere even remotely close that would let me train with my monofin.

But aftee some sneaky detective work I have found a gym that is practically unknow to the general public - and I'm going there to get a membership TODAY!

I've already been in to see them and they've said that I can use my monofin during offpeak times. I'M SO EXCITED!

I'm also crazy nervous that I'm gna suck amd drown...but hey! If you wanna be a mermaid you gotta take the risks right!?